Passport Academy is part of Passport, a private online forum for Pledge signatories. The first course, which debuted in January 2024, was designed for companies early in their decarbonization journey; new signatories often asked for resources to get started. Now, Passport Academy has four courses to help signatories meet their Climate Pledge commitments, with newer, shorter lessons that dig deeper into topics that companies in this community wanted to know more about.
“It’s challenging to navigate the noisy landscape of climate and sustainability,” says Emily Auckland, senior advisor and engagement lead at The Climate Pledge. “Passport Academy provides signatories with short, easy-to-understand e-learning materials to support their understanding and enable them to implement activities in their companies which will deliver their net-zero carbon goal.”
It’s advice companies can trust. From a blueprint to measure and report climate emissions to a primer on clean energy procurement, each course charts a path forward with insight from industry insiders.
“We’ve used the expertise of external practitioners alongside the actual experiences of signatories to provide synthesized ‘how to’ guides that cut out a lot of the noise, and are simple and straightforward to understand and act on,” Auckland says.
Any signatory can glean fresh ideas from the courses, or validation that they’re on the right track, but the academy especially benefits smaller companies without the personnel or financial resources of bigger corporations. And signatories can learn from one another.
“The community is strong and it’s a unique opportunity to be a part of a group of individuals that have all made the same commitment and are working toward the same goals and also will potentially have the same areas of challenge,” Kimberly Pousman, senior technical product manager at Amazon, says. “If you’ve made the commitment or are thinking about making the commitment, this is one of the many resources you get from being part of this community to make the journey for you and the company just that much easier.”