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First 50 Signatories

Join date
Feb 16, 2021

First 50 Signatories

For over 25 years, global flooring manufacturer Interface has focused on climate action—first by reducing the carbon emissions in its operations and supply chain, and then by reducing the carbon emissions of its products. Last year, Interface introduced the world's first carbon negative carpet tile when measured cradle to gate, and in 2018, the company launched its Carbon Neutral Floors program, certifying that all Interface flooring products are carbon neutral across their full product life cycle. Recognizing it can go even further, Interface continues to look at additional carbon reduction opportunities with the goal of becoming a carbon negative enterprise by 2040.
The information on this page was provided by Interface on Feb 16, 2021
Leisure & home manufacturing
North America & Canada
Company headquarters
United States of America
The information on this page was provided by Interface on Feb 16, 2021